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Tick Prevention

Ticks are an unfortunate part of outdoor life and are active at any temperature above freezing, which is most of the year in our area. Ticks are now becoming commonplace in areas where they were not previously found, and are expanding their range in North America. Most problematically, tick bites transmit bacteria that can cause numerous diseases,  including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, and tick paralysis, which cause a wide range of symptoms that include joint pain, lethargy, loss of coordination or other debilitating problems. Keeping your pet on a monthly preventative will help prevent tick-borne illness. Even pets that spend very little time outside would benefit from tick prevention, as ticks (and fleas) can attach to shoes and pants and be accidentally carried into the home. Monthly preventatives are safe and effective. We also recommend periodically checking your pet for ticks and other external parasites after trips outside, especially in wooded or brushy areas. Make sure to check skin folds, between toes and the underside of your pet as well, and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have.